AIME, supporting young people's civic involvement

AIME is an NGO set up in 2009 with the aim of encouraging civic involvement for a more united, sustainable and inclusive future.

The association offers everyone the chance to get involved with meaningful associations and projects on long-term assignments in France and around the world via the Civic Service. We are convinced that the civic commitment of young people will help to build a more united, sustainable and inclusive future!

En savoir plus

Join a Civic Service programme

AIME has already supported nearly 400 young people during their Civic Service missions.

  • Are you aged between 16 and 25 (or up to 30 if you are disabled)?
  • Are you a French national or resident in France (with a European residence permit/passport)?
  • Are you motivated to take part in a unique human and intercultural experience?

Then apply for one of our Civic Service missions and join the AIME Family!

Découvre nos offres de Service Civique

Our awareness-raising initiatives

To enable everyone to get involved, it's also important to understand what's at stake in the world around us!

The "Formation Civique et Citoyenne"

La “Formation Civique et Citoyenne” (or FCC) is the two-day compulsory training course for all Civic Service volunteers. We run 2 or 3 sessions a month!

Retrouvez les prochaines dates de FCC ici
Introduction workshops

We offer half-day or full-day courses on social issues, accessible to all, using “édcation populaire” methods.

Catalogue des formations
Citizens' holidays

Every summer, we offer a civic-minded holiday to young people who don’t have the opportunity to go on holiday. It’s a chance for them to discover new activities: eco-construction, gardening, world cuisine and other personal development workshops.

Retour sur notre dernier séjour 2023

Towards inclusive engagement!

AIME fights every day to give everyone the same opportunities for involvement through concrete programmes.

AIME is supporting a group of 10 young people in their search for meaning – the “AIME ton engagement” group. We have devised a progressive programme of self-discovery through the discovery of the voluntary sector ecosystem. The course is designed to immerse participants in the voluntary sector ecosystem, enabling them to discover civic commitment in a varied and highly practical way through a wide range of day-to-day activities.

In 2022, the (O)UTIL’ES POUR L’AVENIR! project was launched in consortium with La Guilde. The aim of the project is to encourage young people on Youth Commitment Contracts (Contrat d’Engagement Jeune – CEJ) to take part in Civic Service missions in France and abroad. The CEJ is a contract set up by local missions and Pôle Emploi to give young people access to training or employment.

This year, AIME took part in the national Volont’R project, “Aujourd’hui à deux mains”, which offers civic service to young refugees, beneficiaries of international protection (BPI) and new arrivals aged 18 to 25. The aim is to create assignments tailored to an exiled population (sometimes non-French speakers, for example) and to recruit 10 young BPIs in pairs with 10 young local people.