
Find your Civic Service in Thailand

Interested in Thailand? Seize the opportunity and get involved in a humanitarian and development mission with local associations! Join educational programmes with Thai children and teenagers, to give everyone access to quality schooling. Find out more now!
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Education, Migration

Foundation for Education and Development

The Foundation for Education and Development (FED) is an association dedicated to ensuring that refugees from Myanmar enjoy their fundamental rights, and to facilitating and guaranteeing access to basic…

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University Prince of Songkla

The Faculty of International Studies (FIS) specializes in international studies.

It teaches languages, history, culture, politics and economics.
In addition to courses, the faculty organizes and participates in a number…

Our latest missions around the world


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Asia / Cambodia

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Honduras / Latin America
Arts & Culture

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Africa / Senegal

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Latin America / Perou

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Latin America / Perou

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Africa / Senegal